Cancel Withdrawal Request

To cancel the withdrawal request which state is Init or Failed. The request state can be checked on web control panel or query through this API (represents state = 0 or 5 ).


POST /v1/sofa/wallets/{WALLET_ID}/sender/transactions/{ORDER_ID}/cancel

Response Body

The HTTP 200 means the withdrawal request has been cancelled successfully.

Error Code

HTTP Code Error Code Error Message Description
403 - Forbidden. Invalid wallet ID - No wallet ID found
403 - Forbidden. Header not found - Missing X-API-CODE, X-CHECKSUM header or query param t
403 - Forbidden. Invalid timestamp - The timestamp t is not in the valid time range
403 - Forbidden. Invalid checksum - The request is considered a replay request
403 - Forbidden. Invalid API code - X-API-CODE header contains invalid API code
403 - Invalid API code for wallet {WALLET_ID} - The API code mismatched
403 - Forbidden. Checksum unmatch - X-CHECKSUM header contains wrong checksum
403 - Forbidden. Call too frequently ({THROTTLING_COUNT} calls/minute) - Send requests too frequently
403 177 Illegal state - The {ORDER_ID} withdrawal request is not in Init or Failed state
403 385 API Secret not valid - Invalid API code permission
404 304 Wallet ID invalid - The {ORDER_ID} not found

Sample Request



Response Body

The HTTP 200 means the withdrawal request has been cancelled successfully.

Sample cURL Command

curl -X POST http://localhost:8889/v1/mock/wallets/{WALLET_ID}/sender/transactions/{ORDER_ID}/cancel